i like photography! i find it very rewarding. im a big fan of birds. all imgs hosted on flickr - click any photo to go 2 my flickr

july 28, 2024 beach + royal terns :D

july 15, 2024 got a new camera lens for birthday so testing it out.. its heavy, so most of my photos come out looking like blurry messes bc of my hands shaking lol. but i will persevere!

july 4, 2024 sky....

may 23, 2024 the elusive barn swallow. theyve nested under our balcony, but i cannot seem to catch a good photo of them. one day!

may 14, 2024 finally got a good picture of the american robins around my house. right after rain - all the birds came out.

kyoto, japan, 2024 i believe this is an eastern great egret grey heron crow i think... huge and beautiful

sweden, jan 2024

norway, dec 2023

alaska, jul 2023 sea gulls... bald eagle

bali, may 2022

alaska, jul 2021

jan 2021